In [1]:
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

Least Squares Fitting



  • How do you fit a model to data?
  • What is least squares fitting?


  • Use least-squares to fit a line to some data
  • Confirm your results using curve_fit

How do you fit a model to data?

What do we mean by "fitting a model to data"? A model is just something that describes your observations. It can be as simple as a straight line fit with just 1 or two unknowns, or as complicated as a cosmological model with many unknown parameters.

When we're fitting a model to data we're using some kind of theory or prediction about how different observed variables are related. A common example is fitting a straight line, $y=mx + x$, to some data to try to find a linear relationshp.

But what's actually happening when we do this? How are we determining $m$ and $c$?

Fitting a straight line

We're going to look at the BoltData again to show how the process works. Find your file and read in the data into a dataframe:

In [2]:
bolt_df = pd.read_csv('./data/BoltData.csv', names=('distance', 'err_distance', 'time', 'err_time'), header=0)

As always, have a quick look at the dataframe to make sure it's read in as expected. Don't skip this step! It will save you a lot of time in the long run to get in the habit of checking that it looks OK right at the start.

In [3]:
distance err_distance time err_time
0 0 0.02 0.000000 1.004810
1 10 0.02 0.923422 0.637569
2 20 0.02 2.178145 0.382366
3 30 0.02 2.461897 0.911785
4 40 0.02 3.387051 0.198510
5 50 0.02 5.263879 1.152222
6 60 0.02 6.042705 0.161827
7 70 0.02 7.939192 0.732011
8 80 0.02 8.221779 1.267329
9 90 0.02 8.578128 0.590908
10 100 0.02 9.562874 1.022337

Previously we've used curve_fit to fit a best-fit line to our data. Here we're going to look at what curve_fit is actually doing.

When we worked with this data before we defined a function such as

def best_fit(x, m, c):
    return m*x + c

corrseponding to $$ f(x) = m x + c $$

and used curve_fit to find the best values of $m$ and $c$ (the slope and intercept). But what is curve fit actually doing? What do we mean by the "best" values?

curve_fit uses the least squares method to find the best values.

The figure below illustrates what's happening:


Our data has $N$ data points with the values $x_i$, $y_i$. The vertical distance between each point and the line (the red lines on the figure) is $$ \Delta_i = y_i - m x - c $$

Least squares finds the values of $m$ and $c$ that minimises the sum of the distances squared, i.e. it minimises $$ S = \sum_{i=1}^{N} (\Delta_i^2)$$ $$ S = \sum_{i=1}^{N} (y_i - m x_i - c)^2 $$

Why does least squares minimise $\sum \Delta_i^2$? Look at the figure above and think about why we want to minimise the squared values rather than just $\sum \Delta_i$.

To find the the values of $m$ and $c$ that minimise this sum we have to differentiate it with respect to $m$ and $c$ and solve the equations

$$\dfrac{\delta S}{\delta m} = 0$$

and $$\dfrac{\delta S}{\delta c} = 0 $$

For our example of a straight line this is relatively straight forward.

Finding $c$

For $\dfrac{\delta S}{\delta c}=0$ we find

$$ \dfrac{\delta S}{\delta c} = -2 \sum_{i=i}^{N}(y_i - m x_i - c) = 0 $$

(from here onwards $\sum = \sum_{i=1}^{N}$ to make it easier to read)

Rearranging gives

$$ \sum y_i - m \sum x_i - Nc = 0 \\$$$$ c = \dfrac{\sum y_i - m \sum x_i}{N} $$

Finding $m$

The same thing is done for $\dfrac{\delta S}{\delta m}=0$, substituting in the expression for $c$ found above. I haven't included the all the steps here, but you can work through the maths to convince yourself that it works. You should end up with

$$ m = \dfrac{N \sum \left(x_i y_i\right) - \sum x_i \sum y_i}{N\sum\left(x_i^2\right) - \left(\sum x_i\right)^2} $$

We can now calculate the best values of $m$ and $c$ by finding all the different summation values that we need. For a straight line fit we need $\sum x_i$, $\sum y_i$, $\sum x_i y_i$ and $\sum (x_i^2)$. We can find these using the sum function from numpy.

$\sum x_i$ and $\sum y_i$ are straightforward; they are just the sums of the $x$ (distance) and $y$ (time) values in our table. numpy can do that for us:

In [4]:
sum_x = np.sum(bolt_df.distance)
sum_y = np.sum(bolt_df.time)
print(sum_x, sum_y)
550 54.559074164

$\sum (x^2)$ is also easy to do:

In [5]:
sum_x_2 = np.sum((bolt_df.distance**2))

Calculate $\sum x_i y_i$

Calculate the value of $\sum x_i y_i$. Assign it to a variable called sum_x_y


Now we can plug these into the expressions we have for $m$ and $c$.

Calculate $m$ and $c$

Use the summation values just calculated to find the best fit values for $m$ and $c$. Make a new plot of time against distance showing the data and the best fit line you have just found.


Hopefully you've ended up with a figure that looks something like this:


Check your result

Now you have your values for $m$ and $c$ from doing least-squares by hand. Check your results using curve_fit. Remember to define your function first.

Key Points:

  • curve_fit finds the parameters of the functions it's fitting using least squares.
  • Least squares minimises the sum of the squares of the distances between the data and the function.
  • To find the values of the parameters you're fitting, differentiate your function with respect to each of the unknowns.
  • The example above is for a simple straight line fit. The same method holds for whatever function you choose - just differentiate your function with respect to each unknown parameter.